miércoles, 25 de febrero de 2015


This is a piece which has a finished shape. I am goint to show you its Structural Analysis with Catia.

Here you can look at the rendering.

First, I am goint to show you the mesh which has this piece.

 This piece has been put down with 10^6   N/mm^3 . It is also made up of brushed metal.

Now I am going to upload the tension and displacement.
Actually, Catia can show a lot of pictures, but from my point of view both of these pictures are the best.

lunes, 9 de febrero de 2015

Rendering car.

There is a car which I made three months ago, from my point of view it is nice, but in fact it can improve a little using photo studio with catia. I have added background, ground and more light.

domingo, 1 de febrero de 2015

Ball Cock

This is a ball cock. An assembly very useful that you can see in some place sfrom time to time . For example, I have an ballcock like this gadget in my yard.

Here you can look at this rendering mechanism by Catia.


Layouts in pdf

Here you can watch a video which I made also with Catia. This video is about the dismounting of this assembly.

I have added a new video in which you can look at the kinematic of this mechanism. Actually, it can be useful for understand how this mechanism works.

I would like to thank university of  Cantabria for this absolutely amazing homework. You can see this kind of exercises in this  Link.